Berlijn-declaratie stelt optreden tegen alle tabaksproducten centraal
donderdag 27 februari 2020
De Berlijn-declaratie, uitgesproken tijdens de achtste European Conference on Tobacco or Health in Berlijn, maakt duidelijk dat de gezondheid het best beschermd wordt door op te treden tegen alle tabaksproducten, zowel oude als nieuwe.
Door de webredactie
Tijdens de achtste European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH) in Berlijn, een driejaarlijks evenement dat wordt georganiseerd onder de vlag van de Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) en wordt gezien als het belangrijkste Europese forum voor tabaksbestrijding, is de Berlijn-declaratie voorgelezen. De declaratie, die door alle aanwezigen op de conferentie onderschreven wordt, maakt het belang duidelijk van het implementeren van de bepalingen uit het wereldwijde antirookverdrag FCTC van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie door alle landen. Ook moet er tegen alle zowel oude als nieuwe tabaksproducten van alle tabaksfabrikanten opgetreden gaan worden om de volksgezondheid beter te kunnen beschermen.
Hieronder de integrale Berlijn-declaratie.
We, the participants
Gathered here in Berlin, Germany from 19th to 22nd of February 2020;
Recognising that the spread of the tobacco epidemic continues to be a problem in the countries of Europe with devastating consequences for public health;
Acknowledging that the tobacco industry continues to launch and promote new harmful and addictive products in order to maintain existing users and attract new customers;
Knowing that scientific evidence has unequivocally established that tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke causes death and disability;
Alarmed by increases in tobacco and nicotine consumption through new products such as heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes including by dual or poly-use;
Aware of the increasingly aggressive and well-funded efforts of the tobacco industry and its allies to undermine or subvert tobacco control and renormalize themselves;
Considering the legally binding nature of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the obligation of all Parties to the FCTC to implement effective tobacco control measures;
Aiming to achieve a healthy Europe by eliminating tobacco use and reducing harmful nicotine consumption, and promoting clean indoor air.
Do hereby declare:
1) Comprehensive approach to tobacco control which involves assessment, planning, intervention and sustainability based upon the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) should be adopted by all countries;
2) Governments and civil society organizations should work together to ensure a whole of government approach to meet the legal obligations of the WHO FCTC;
3) Particular attention should be given to addressing inequalities and empowering citizens as part of these efforts.
4) Countries should strengthen cooperation in sharing good practices and scientific knowledge and recognize the importance of funding independent research;
5) Countries should reinforce implementations of WHO FCTC article 5.3 in order to protect policies from tobacco industry interference;
6) Public awareness campaigns and social media can play a key role in achieving a Healthy Europe;
7) Countries have a responsibility to shape societal conditions and environments in a way that promotes healthy lives;
8) Countries must reduce affordability of and eliminate the price gap between all tobacco products;
9) Countries should adopt a minimum excise duty on electronic cigarettes and like products to discourage use among youths;
10) Countries should eliminate exemptions for electronic cigarettes, non-cigarette tobacco products and surrogates with regard to flavors, packaging, advertising on all platforms, marketing, promotion and sponsorship.
tags: Berlijn-declaratie | ECToH | FCTC-verdrag | volksgezondheid | tabaksontmoediging