

Dutch citizens’ initiative leads to enquiry into generational tobacco ban

18 December 2024

debat nicotinee leidt tot onderzoek naar generatiegebonden tabaksverbod

The Dutch citizens' initiative Nicotinee (No to nicotine) has turned out to be a resounding success. Parliament has asked the government to investigate Nicotinee’s proposal for a ban on the sale of nicotine-containing products to people born from 2012 onwards. 


Dutch Parliament considers generational cigarette and vaping ban

05 December 2024

burgerinitiatief nicotinee op 12 december in tweede kamer-6

Urged by public health activists, Dutch parliament this month will debate a national ban on selling tobacco and vaping products to residents born after 1 January 2012. The ‘generational ban’ would gradually erase smoking and vaping among future Dutch generations while leaving current nicotine-users untouched.


Tobacco promotion during Formula 1 arouses indignation

29 August 2024

tabakspromotie tijdens formule 1 wekt verontwaardiging-2

A pavilion with the inscription ‘Tobacco Innovations’ during the Zandvoort Grand Prix raises question marks and especially a lot of indignation. The Dutch organization was not happy with the pavilion, but could not get out of a deal with the international F1 organization. The NVWA is investigating the matter.